Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Return of the Mac

I'm back folks and this time I have issues.

I have had some major problems blogging as if late.

Now I am back.

My blogs will not be very PC and could offend some people. At the same time it could enlighten some too.

I am going to use my blogs as a tool to share my thoughts with all. Well just JB really.

Back later.


Blogger afrobev said...

old people and everything they do? robbed? and the rise of people who are going to vote bnp

7:04 PM

Blogger afrobev said...

i cant wait son.

7:05 PM


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