Happy Happy Talk
Fed up with the same old boring sad news. Tired with upsetting thoughts and shit. Look no further, this blog is all about happy things.
How are you all? I am ok. Just come back from the Gym and feel good.
So lets think happy things!!!
Doctor Who is good. For those abroad, specifically my beautiful sis, Doctor Who was filmed in New York this week. I was suitably impressed.
I love Doctor Who. I think he is the best Super Hero around. David Tennant, the actor who plays him does a fantastic job.
I love Music. There is nothing better than listening to some of your fave songs, singing out loud in the car or in the house. Music is the only thing that can really make sense when everything else is rubbish.
I love my Children. Both my kids are coming along lovely. My little Doctor is still number 1. He goes to play group now 3 days a week. He is talking brilliantly, as I type he is stood beside me asking me if he has any spicy sweets left. Spicy sweets are fizzy ones. My little princess is doing superbly well too. She has 4-5 teeth, she can say Dada, Nana and she says Hiya. Beautiful.
I love the nice weather, what the difference a sunny day makes to peoples moods.
I love laughing. Try to laugh lots. I laugh with my sister Nicola a lot. She makes me sing to her on the phone. I laugh with James a lot. I laugh with my wife a lot, although it is at each other most of the time.
I love Food. Eating a nice meal makes you feel nice. I like Revels and malteasers.
I love my game of football on a Thursday. Playing makes me feel a little fitter. I can run like an arse for an hour now and still feel alive. I love Liverpool Football club. COME ON BOYS. Big game on Wednesday. COME ON.
I'm sure I love more but lets leave it there.
What do you love. what are your favourite things.
Be happy now ok.
This week, smile all day long. Don't fight with anyone. BE HAPPY.