Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Joke of the Day

An Eskimo is out for a drive one day when his car breaks down and he is forced to call out the Alaskan AA. The Eskimo stands in the howling wind and waits for the mechanic to arrive. When the mechanic reaches the broken car, he sets to work, looking under the bonnet until he appears to have located the problem. He looks up at the Eskimo and says, "You've blown a seal, mate." To which the Eskimo hastily replies, "No, I haven't. That's just frost on my moustache."


Blogger afrobev said...

Snigger! (as they used to say in Beano comics).

Im passing the joke off as my own now.


6:49 PM

Blogger Jiggles said...

I like that joke to it certainly put a smile of my face.

9:08 PM


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