Thunderbirds Are Go

Just a somber post to say how sad I am that the great Steve Irwin has been taken from us.
He probably annoyed me a great deal more than I am letting on but he was a true Icon on all things Nature and conservation.
Crikey mate you will be missed.
As A mark of respect I think we should all change 1 small thing about the way we live and treat our world.
I promise from today to start composting and recycling. I will take a picture of my first lot to show you my progress.
RIP steve
Got it! Thunderbirds, Stingray! But you had to explain it to me first.
I feel we have a one sided blogging relationship though Antony. I comment on your blog and you just sit at home with your thumb up your bum when it comes to mine.
I need love and comments too you know. To make me feel better.
I love you dear boy and I am gutted about Steve Irwin. He was a good bloke. Very sad indeed.
9:45 AM
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