Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Surprise arrival and a blast from the past!!!!

Hello again - My house is quiet so I thought I would update you all.

My last blog explained all that has happened in the last few months. I can now give you further insight into the world of the Rickman ( not ) sound a like.

Firstly let me welcome my new addition Miss Erin-Rose Leach. Due to the fact that some sick bastards live in this world I am unable to post a picture of her but I can tell you she is beautiful. I want to give you a mans view on labour, child birth and being a father to a girl.

The baby was due on 18/08/06. I had planned my time off in military style. I was to have the week leading up to Sharon's due date off in the hope that she would go early. My plan worked a treat.

FRIDAY 11th AUGUST 11:30am

Call from Sharon explaining that she is out berry picking with my boy and my sister. During the journey my sister went over a bump that seemed to have caused sharon's first contraction. I am in work relaxing on a Friday. Everyone around me in work is going nuts - " go home, go home" they say. I decided against going home and stayed until 4:30pm. When I arrived home Sharon is cleaning like a mad dog. She is mopping and polishing and brushing and scrubbing. Some things she evens cleans 2 or 3 times. Thankfully the outlaws have agreed to take the boy for the night. This was planned before we knew Sharon was close to drop so as it happens great forward thinking by myself.


Big Brother final is on and Sharon is now eating all she can find. She has eaten a whole blackberry crumble that she made earlier, she is now eating a chocolate mousse whilst dealing with the pain of a 38cm thing trying to get out of her. After hours of pacing up and down the room she tells me she wants to go in.


We leave the house and head to the car. I have already called the hospital to advise the of our arrival. I help Sharon into the car and head off.


8 1/2 months of pregnancy. I can count on one hand the number of times we had sex during this time frame. The moods, the constant collection of food, drink, phone with the excuse " I'm Pregnant" AM I READY FOR THIS, IS THIS RIGHT, CAN I DO IT.

Now reality kicks in. Look at your wife, she is in pain, she has had no tablets of any description, she is going through a trauma. You are ready because you have prepared well, you can do it because you have Rhys and he is fine and It is right because I say so.

But how did I feel about the prospect of loving another child, I mean I love my son but can I love another. Can I share my life with another child.

The answer to these questions can be found in the concluding part of this blog that will be published after I have eaten my dinner.

Love out!!!!!


Blogger afrobev said...

I am eagerly anticipating the next chapter Antony. It is 22:15pm...surely you have eaten your tea? x

10:21 PM


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