Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Blame the Monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help me. I'm turning into my Dad.

I can't stop drinking Tea.

Their is nothing better than a nice cup of Tea or Coffee.

A cup of Tea with a Scone is Heaven,

Coffee with some nice Biscuits is great.


Anyone fancy a cup!!!!!!


Blogger afrobev said...

Aaah a cuppa. You can't beat a nice pot of tea with a scone with jam and clotted cream.

11:48 AM

Blogger Jiggles said...

Scone and Clotted cream thats pure heaven mmmmmmmmmmm, oh shyt not a good thing to think about when you are trying to diet

8:12 PM

Blogger afrobev said...

I still don't know why you are blaming the poor monkeys for though Antony. I can't see how it's their fault that you are turning into your dad and that you like a brew?

10:32 AM

Blogger afrobev said...

Poor little blighters. They probably only got paid in bananas to be in those PG Tips adverts anyway. Bless them!

10:59 AM


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