Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Look NOW

Monday, May 07, 2007

Spare a Thought

Hey all,
Today, I want you to spare a thought for little 3 year old Madeleine McCann who went missing in Portugal on Thursday.
What the parents must be going through is beyond me. I am still confused as to why they decided to leave 3 children unattended, but, the horror they must have felt when they realised there little girl has gone makes me feel ill. As a parent I can only imagine how I would feel, which is why I want us all to think good thoughts for the family.

I pray the police manage to find her alive and well or the person/s responsible for this return her unharmed.
Spare a thought today for the family and for Madeleine McCann herself.

Safe return!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Come on boys. You can do it!!!!!

Everyone focus on Liverpool beating the blue scum tonight.

COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!