Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Rainbow Diary

I want to write about my experiences as a single dad. I talk all the time about it to people but they all convey sweet but misguided loyalty toward me.

April 22nd was the day she left. A couple of weeks prior to this we were spending our first weekend in god knows how long away together, alone, no distractions, you know what I mean. We spent some time out and about, some time talking and some time doing other stuff. I didn't think for one second that 3-4 weeks on, I would be faced with my wife telling me she was not coming home.

I wouldn't be described by those I know as an A-Typical bloke. I'm into sport and music and girls but I'm also into cooking and clothes and talking rubbish. As a result I do have good and lasting friendships with as many females as I do males.

I don't travel in a large circle of friends but the ones I have are quite simply the best. Not that I socialise that much. I just love being home. Home with my wife and home with my kids. My wife on the other hand prefers to spend time out getting on it. It's never been a problem for me, I had the kids, chilled out and she was out with her friends, easy.

The difficulty came when she started to enjoy it a little too much. A 1am home time turned into 2, and then 4am and eventually 6:15am. This is clearly not good. Come on know, 6:15am is taking the piss slightly eh.

I'm gonna stop now.

I will return though, if anyone is looking.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Hey Everyone,

I have returned to the world of blogging. I am so fed up with Face book, it used to be ok but now it is just full of pictures of freaky people with 22 inch penis's or fat women on skateboards.

This is only a brief one, a message to the some who still log on.

I am going to release weekly blogs and I WILL dish the dirt on anyone I know.

I am not going to hold back. New year, new me. This time I will not censor my material. Only playing, although I am not going to be gentle.

Prepare yourself for some honest hard hitting writing.

I have missed you bloggers.

First Blog tmw!!!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Look NOW

Monday, May 07, 2007

Spare a Thought

Hey all,
Today, I want you to spare a thought for little 3 year old Madeleine McCann who went missing in Portugal on Thursday.
What the parents must be going through is beyond me. I am still confused as to why they decided to leave 3 children unattended, but, the horror they must have felt when they realised there little girl has gone makes me feel ill. As a parent I can only imagine how I would feel, which is why I want us all to think good thoughts for the family.

I pray the police manage to find her alive and well or the person/s responsible for this return her unharmed.
Spare a thought today for the family and for Madeleine McCann herself.

Safe return!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Come on boys. You can do it!!!!!

Everyone focus on Liverpool beating the blue scum tonight.

COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Happy Talk

Fed up with the same old boring sad news. Tired with upsetting thoughts and shit. Look no further, this blog is all about happy things.

How are you all? I am ok. Just come back from the Gym and feel good.

So lets think happy things!!!

Doctor Who is good. For those abroad, specifically my beautiful sis, Doctor Who was filmed in New York this week. I was suitably impressed.

I love Doctor Who. I think he is the best Super Hero around. David Tennant, the actor who plays him does a fantastic job.

I love Music. There is nothing better than listening to some of your fave songs, singing out loud in the car or in the house. Music is the only thing that can really make sense when everything else is rubbish.

I love my Children. Both my kids are coming along lovely. My little Doctor is still number 1. He goes to play group now 3 days a week. He is talking brilliantly, as I type he is stood beside me asking me if he has any spicy sweets left. Spicy sweets are fizzy ones. My little princess is doing superbly well too. She has 4-5 teeth, she can say Dada, Nana and she says Hiya. Beautiful.

I love the nice weather, what the difference a sunny day makes to peoples moods.

I love laughing. Try to laugh lots. I laugh with my sister Nicola a lot. She makes me sing to her on the phone. I laugh with James a lot. I laugh with my wife a lot, although it is at each other most of the time.

I love Food. Eating a nice meal makes you feel nice. I like Revels and malteasers.

I love my game of football on a Thursday. Playing makes me feel a little fitter. I can run like an arse for an hour now and still feel alive. I love Liverpool Football club. COME ON BOYS. Big game on Wednesday. COME ON.

I'm sure I love more but lets leave it there.

What do you love. what are your favourite things.

Be happy now ok.

This week, smile all day long. Don't fight with anyone. BE HAPPY.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not so Golden Virginia

I don't want to sound as if I am repeating myself here but I'm sure I wrote a similar blog in October.

Let me start by saying how sad I feel following the events at Virginia Tech yesterday. All the soundbites in the world cannot take away the tragedy that unfolded in this University yesterday and I am truly saddened by the killings.

I am not going to rant about Anti America stuff, god knows it caused enough grief last time, I am simply giving my observations. If people do not like it then follow the instructions listed at the top of this web page.

What happened yesterday was not a one off incident. However it was a record, beating another school shooting in the 60's. Where is this going to end???

Don't talk to me about intervention or babble that means nothing. I don't want to know about how America is the good and the Great and this is just another small blip on the US's way to greatness. America should be leading the way, they should be the shining light. Well they are not. Most of the bad shit that goes on is coming out of the US.

Now that may be a general term but America is getting a lot of stick these days and most of it is warranted. I am not going to go on about that though, my knowledge is not to great on the history but America really needs to sort it's shit out.

30,000+ Americans KILLED each year in a gun related crime. Those figures do not include Gun suicide, accidental deaths ( children picking up loaded guns and killing themselves). Over 200 Million guns on the streets of America.


" If the Students on Campus were Armed they may have been able to take him out"

My thoughts: You cant even find the correct army to shoot at, so what hope do you have when you arm your school kids.

Go to school armed, my god, I have never heard such crazy American nonsense in all my life.

Charlton Heston was famously quoted as saying " Guns don't kill people, People do" This coming from a leading figure in the NRA. This coming from a ma who said at an NRA function " They can take my gun from my cold, dead hands".

Americans attitude towards guns is wrong. You do not need guns. We don't have them and we cope fine. You can buy guns and Ammo in wall mart these days.

A student in a University could not buy a beer because he was 20 but he could buy a second hand gun that was advertised on the student website. CRAZY CRAZY.

Also, don't talk to me about the constitutional right to bear arms. Not actual bear arms like gentle Ben but to carry weapons. This is en grained in American Culture but the interpretation of the right is incorrect. Read it. When the constitution was written the US did not agree to have an Army, therefore for the purposes of defence ( against the UK) guns could be legally carried. Well, you have an army now, so why have the right to carry weapons.

I am not saying ban all guns. That would never work. Much Much tighter laws on the control of weapons is needed. Virginia has only just passed a law that states you can only by 12 guns a year. Before that you could buy what you wanted. A man in Pennsylvania purchased 86 handguns and paid with cash. This was in a well governed gun fair. What chance do you have.

The UK is not as bad but it is not good either. In the year ending 06 there were 50 incidents of Gun related murder in England and Wales. That is a scary Stat.

The NRA have no power. They are simply lobbyists with a lot of cash.

13.74 people are killed per 100,000 with a gun in the states.

It will never change while the attitude of the people is ARM UP AND TAKE THEM OUT.

Guns don't kill people, Laws do.