Who needs TV..............

Evening all,
Just a quick update on the family life situation.
Rhys is now in school and he has taken to it really well. He loves it actually. Erin-Rose is growing well. She is over 8 1/2 lb now. Fair play she is a greedy one.
Anyway, not blogged for a while so I thought I would
quickly sign in. James gives me a whole load of grief for not blogging enough.
You may notice in one of the Beautiful James's previous blog that I am upset that he is not coming to Tenby with me. It is time to be honest and open about the story.
I am a little upset that he cannot come. I have never been to the pub with James and would have loved the chance to see him and Philip in that environment. Oh well, I shall wait for the wedding day then. I hope I can wait that long. I love you James, I still think the BOTH of you should come but understand.
If anyone wants to come to Tenby for a weekend of relaxing drinking and lazing around in a £750000 house then let me know. You may encourage Miss Bevan to come too.
Liverpool lost to Chelsea. I'm not bitter but I must document my hate for Drogba. He is such a fucking cheat. ( sorry for swearing). We should have had a penalty from the crab that is Lampard and we Drogba should have been sent off. I HATE CHELSEA.
Anyway,that'ss it for now. Run out of things to say.