Sometimes I go to far. I can't help it but it just happens. I want to be honest and expressive but sometimes it comes out wrong. BUT, that does not mean I DONT MEAN IT.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Who needs TV..............

Evening all,

Just a quick update on the family life situation.

Rhys is now in school and he has taken to it really well. He loves it actually. Erin-Rose is growing well. She is over 8 1/2 lb now. Fair play she is a greedy one.

Anyway, not blogged for a while so I thought I would

quickly sign in. James gives me a whole load of grief for not blogging enough.

You may notice in one of the Beautiful James's previous blog that I am upset that he is not coming to Tenby with me. It is time to be honest and open about the story.

I am a little upset that he cannot come. I have never been to the pub with James and would have loved the chance to see him and Philip in that environment. Oh well, I shall wait for the wedding day then. I hope I can wait that long. I love you James, I still think the BOTH of you should come but understand.

If anyone wants to come to Tenby for a weekend of relaxing drinking and lazing around in a £750000 house then let me know. You may encourage Miss Bevan to come too.

Liverpool lost to Chelsea. I'm not bitter but I must document my hate for Drogba. He is such a fucking cheat. ( sorry for swearing). We should have had a penalty from the crab that is Lampard and we Drogba should have been sent off. I HATE CHELSEA.

Anyway,that'ss it for now. Run out of things to say.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Blame the Monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help me. I'm turning into my Dad.

I can't stop drinking Tea.

Their is nothing better than a nice cup of Tea or Coffee.

A cup of Tea with a Scone is Heaven,

Coffee with some nice Biscuits is great.


Anyone fancy a cup!!!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

From Little Boy to Little Man

Today my little boy started Nursery. I have to admit I was very very sad about this. Even though I work all day the thought of leaving him with someone else is really scary. The thought of him not making friends or being picked on is also frightening. You wrap them up for so long and then expect them to cope with being left alone with total strangers. It's wrong.

Anyway, today at 12:45pm I took Rhys for his first day. I held him so tight as I walked up the path to the doorway. You could see his mood change when he knew the time had come. I whispered a little something in his ear, kissed him and let him go. Rhys said goodbye to me and I walked away.

My heart was in my mouth, but he didn't cry so that was good. I was told to call the School at 2pm to check he was ok. Thankfully Rhys was enjoying himself and all was well.

3.15pm, I literally ran up the path to see my little man. He ran to me shouting DADDY, my heart was back.

I asked him how it was and he said it was really good. He painted me a picture but it was wet so I will have to wait for it.

I am so proud of my little man for being so brave. I love him so much.

Love you Rhys


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Thunderbirds Are Go

Just a somber post to say how sad I am that the great Steve Irwin has been taken from us.

He probably annoyed me a great deal more than I am letting on but he was a true Icon on all things Nature and conservation.

Crikey mate you will be missed.

As A mark of respect I think we should all change 1 small thing about the way we live and treat our world.

I promise from today to start composting and recycling. I will take a picture of my first lot to show you my progress.

RIP steve